An architecture for a self-hosted business

Learn about a self-hosted architecture that supports services usually required in a small business or home office.

Business requirements

The architecture supports the following requirements of the business:

  • Access the data from the internal and external network
  • Register users
  • Manage code and other business artifacts

Note: In general, we don’t recommend hosting your own email service. Managing an email server is complicated, particularly keeping it secure and free of spam.

Architecture overview

The architecture consists of two servers:

  • A perimeter server that provides the network services that allows users to access the data.
  • An application server that hosts the services required to register users, work with files and calendars, and manage business artifacts.

The follow diagram shows a view of the servers and the services they support:

Architecture diagram

Physical architecture

The physical architecture consists of the following servers:

  • A perimeter server
  • An application server

Perimeter server

The perimeter server allows users to access services from outside of your network by using features such as reverse proxy and dynamic DNS. The server also provides other network services such as an internal DNS, firewall, and even a VPN service.

The server requires multiple network interface cards, which allows it to route the traffic from outside and inside your network. As you can imagine, the perimeter server sits between your internal network and your internet service provider.

We use pfSense as the software of our perimeter server. You can buy an appliance from Netgate—the developer of pfSense—or you can download the software and install it on your own device.

Application server

The application server provides the majority of the user-facing services. This should be your most powerful server in terms of processing power. It should also have multiple hard drives to provide plenty of storage for your applications and some level of resilience. For an example, check our 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen build.

The server hosts applications using a virtualization or container technology, which allows you to create independent environments isolated from the operating system. Hosting the applications in these independent environments improves the security of your infrastructure as a whole because it’s more difficult that a single application has access to the other environments or the operating system.

We chose FreeNAS as the software of the application server. FreeNAS uses the iocage container manager to create independent environments isolated from the operating system. Such environments are called jails.

FreeNAS supports the ZFS filesystem, which offers multiple features—such as redundancy, integrity checking, and snapshots—that help ensure that the data stays consistent and available. You can enable the ZFS features on a particular dataset on the filesystem. By specifying on which dataset to store the data, you have more control over what ZFS features to use for your applications.

Network services

The perimeter server hosts the network services we need in this architecture. The software, pfSense, is an open source network security solution that provides the features that we need. pfSense has great documentation that allows you to configure the system to suit your needs.

Dynamic DNS

If your internet service provider (ISP) doesn’t assign a static IP address, you require a mechanism to update the entry of your internal domain in your external DNS. This allows clients accessing from the internet to find the IP address if your internal network.

For example, if your top domain is and your internal domain is, you can configure pfSense to update the home entry in your external DNS every time your ISP assigns a new IP address.

Internal DNS

The internal DNS allows your clients to find services in your network. For example, if your internal domain is you could configure the following entries in your internal DNS:

  • for your directory services
  • for your database
  • for your version control system

Reverse proxy

A reverse proxy allows clients in the internet to use web services in your internal network. The external DNS resolves all requests to your internal network as the same address. The reverse proxy catches these requests from the internet and sends them to the right server in your internal network.

Application layer

The software that support the business services is hosted in jails in the application server. We use open source software (OSS) because of its community. The OSS community is great at providing guidance on how to install the software and suggesting solutions to the issues that you might run into.

Directory services

The directory services software allows the business to register users and computers. Other applications can use the information in the directory for authentication and authorization purposes.

We recommend OpenLDAP as the directory services software. Check our guide on how to install OpenLDAP in a jail on your FreeNAS server.


The database software supports other applications that need to store structured data. For example, the VCS software below requires a database. Your end users most likely won’t use the database server directly, unless they are developing apps that need a database themselves.

Some applications come with a prepackaged database server. In this case, you don’t need to consider a separate server. However, installing a separate database server allows you to fine tune your configuration and plan for future applications that also need a database.

We use MariaDB as the software for our database server because our selection of VCS software works well with it. As you can see, your selection of database depends on the application software that uses its services. Check our guide on how to install MariaDB on FreeNAS.

Version control system

A version control system (VCS) is useful in managing changes to the core artifacts of your business. The software industry largely uses it to manage source code. However, businesses in other industries can use it as well. For example, an online magazine or blog can use a VCS system to manage the articles they publish.

You can host a centralized VCS, which offers the following benefits:

  • Facilitates collaboration between members of the team. They can compare and review different versions of the business artifacts using familiar tools.
  • Keeps one version of the truth for files in the repositories, which you can use to make business decisions. For example:
    • Decide what version of the code to use to build your app.
    • Decide what version of a post to publish on your online blog.
  • Allows you to store the data on a server computer in addition to storing the data on client computers, such as laptops.

Git is the most commonly used VCS system. If you have to learn a VCS system, it’s a good idea to choose Git. It’s used in small projects and large organizations around the world.

Initially, we chose to install a simple Git server because we just needed basic collaboration and a central source of truth for the state of our artifacts. Check our guide on how to install a lightweight Git server on FreeNAS. However, as our requirements evolve, we’re looking into other solutions that provide better collaboration features, such as Gitea.

Additional considerations

Consider the following additional items when planning your self-hosted environment:

Internet service provider
The architecture assumes you have an ISP that allows the communication required to access the internal network from the internet. Some ISPs actively block this communication.
Domain and external DNS hosting
The architecture assumes that you have a provider that hosts your domain and external DNS. The hosting service allows you to configure the DNS entries that you need to redirect the users to the internal network when accessing the services from the internet. If you don’t have a static IP address assigned, your external DNS should provide a mechanism to automatically update a DNS entry. Such mechanism makes it easy to update the DNS entry of your internal network each time your ISP assigns a new IP address.
Backup strategy
While the application server has some resilience to errors, you should have a plan that allows you to recover your data in the case of an emergency. Ideally, the backups are stored in a remote location away from the physical location where the servers reside.
Encrypting the communication between clients and servers is a must these days. You can get a free certificate for this purpose from Let’s Encrypt.
PGP and hardware keys
We use a combination of PGP and hardware keys to open SSH sessions to manage the servers. We use the hardware keys from Yubico that support the Open PGP function, check their compare products table for more information.
Virtual private network
The perimeter server can provide a virtual private network (VPN) that you can use to access your internal network. This is useful for opening SSH sessions without exposing the SSH port to the internet. It usually only takes a few minutes after you expose the SSH ports of your servers to the internet before someone tries to get unauthorized access.
Raspberry Pi
There are scenarios where the FreeNAS server needs to access an OpenLDAP server. For example, when you configure storage space for a user directly in FreeNAS. In this situation, the FreeNAS server tries to access the OpenLDAP server whenever it boots, but fails because the OpenLDAP server is hosted in a jail that has not yet started. We solved this issue by getting a Raspberry Pi and configuring it as a secondary OpenLDAP server. The FreeNAS server uses the secondary server at boot time. The secondary server gets changes in user data thanks to the replication feature of OpenLDAP. All the other LDAP clients in the network use the more reliable primary server hosted as a jail on FreeNAS.
Intruder detection
You can configure the Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) system, which helps identify when an intruder accesses your servers. Check our AIDE configuration for jails hosted on FreeNAS guide.